Generating high-quality reference genomes for all eukaryotic species of the European continent, this is the aim of the European Reference Genome Atlas - short ERGA-
The Waldvogel lab co-founder of this Pan-European consortium, teaming up with more than 450 scientists uniting disciplines of biodiversity genomics, taxonomy, bioinformatics, ecologists, evolutionary biologists and many more.
Biodiversity in Europe is shrinking every day due to the climate crisis and direct human activity. It is difficult to predict which species will win or lose the race against the clock of global change. The answer to this can be read from a species‘ genome. These findings are essential for sustainable agriculture and fisheries as well as species protection. So, ERGA is also addressing human well-being, our health and economic systems. There is an urgent need to determine which factors pose the greatest threat to individual species. This challenge can only be met with a large-scale, transnational project. Findings from the ERGA will enable directed and effective species conservation management to preserve European biodiversity.
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The Waldvogel lab co-founder of this Pan-European consortium, teaming up with more than 450 scientists uniting disciplines of biodiversity genomics, taxonomy, bioinformatics, ecologists, evolutionary biologists and many more.
Biodiversity in Europe is shrinking every day due to the climate crisis and direct human activity. It is difficult to predict which species will win or lose the race against the clock of global change. The answer to this can be read from a species‘ genome. These findings are essential for sustainable agriculture and fisheries as well as species protection. So, ERGA is also addressing human well-being, our health and economic systems. There is an urgent need to determine which factors pose the greatest threat to individual species. This challenge can only be met with a large-scale, transnational project. Findings from the ERGA will enable directed and effective species conservation management to preserve European biodiversity.
Read more and join ERGA: